We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best products available on the market.


Welcome to Harex.shop, your go-to online store for high-quality urinary incontinence device (Harex).

Our store is managed by Audamed GmbH, a reputable medical company based in Fürth that specializes in supplying medical products directly from manufacturers to customers.

Dedicated to providing best products on the market.

Harex device offers effective and discreet incontinence protection.

Direct manufacturer communication for fast and safe care.

At Audamed, we prioritize fast and safe care, which is why we offer a range of medical products including FFP2 masks and rapid antigen tests to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Our extensive experience in the medical industry has enabled us to establish excellent references and contacts in the PPE field worldwide.

We are committed to providing our customers with the best products at the most competitive prices. By communicating directly with manufacturers, we eliminate intermediaries, ensuring that our customers receive their orders quickly and efficiently.

We understand the challenges that come with urinary incontinence, and our Harex device has been specially designed to provide effective and discreet protection. We believe that everyone should have access to reliable incontinence devices, and we are proud to offer our Harex device to customers around the world.

If you have any questions about our company or our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is always available to assist you.